This app is aimed to meditators.
It is very simple and intuitive, with a minimalistid design.
Just sit down, and let your device do the rest.
It will play the sound of a tibetan bowl at the start and end of each Za-Zen (meditation), even though this can be very easily disabled, if you own your own bowl, or just don't wish to hear anything (the vibrator will be used for notification).
This app will keep a meditation record with a few very simple ways to describe your experience. This information is only for you; absolutely private, and won't be send anywhere. No Internet access is required.
During meditation, you can choose to mute phone calls, enter airplane mode or keep the screen active. The app will restore the state automatically at the end of the meditation.
Zen is not about reading or talking, but acting. Just do. Zen Do.
This app is absolutely free.